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Vote for our server and get Vote Cookie, which can then be exchanged for various items in Alt+B, as well as equipment for participation in the Olympics
Voting link. You can also follow the link from the game in the section Alt+B -> Vote
Important! If you have changed your IP address, reload the voting page, otherwise your vote will not be counted!
Everything works very simple.
1. You open the voting page.
2. If you are logged into your personal account, simply select your character from the list, after which your personal voting links will appear, or simply write your character's nickname and click Get Link
3. Click on the link and go to the voting site. Be sure to click on the link instead of copying!
4. If your vote is counted you will receive a Vote Cookie in the game
There are certain restrictions on the number of votes, as well as the amount of reward from one vote, depending on the MMOTop platform, you can see them in the game in the section Alt + B -> Vote
P.S. Voting sites and rewards may change over time as the game progresses